Gender and Trade Coalition Launches Explainer Series
Gender and Trade Coalition Explainer #4: Climate and Trade
How is trade connected to climate change? What is the role of corporations in trade and climate governance? What trade-related environmental measures exist? How have trade and climate governance impacted food production? This explainer delves into the complex relationship between trade and climate, ending with five strategic policy proposals to take action on trade and climate injustice, and the gender inequality caused by this injustice. See More
Gender and Trade Coalition Explainer #3: Migration and Trade
What does trade have to do with migration? How does trade create conditions that prompt migration? How do trade agreements influence migration policy, and vice versa? How is trade governance related to migrant labor exploitation? This explainer examines the structural connections between trade and migration, ending with five strategic policy proposals to promote rights-based, gender-responsive migration and trade governance. See More
Lessons to Africa from Africa: A Political Exchange for Development Alternatives
ROAPE review of Post-Colonialisms Today publication “Lessons to Africa from Africa”
African studies scholar Ray Bush published a review of PCT’s special issue of Africa Development in the renowned Review of African Political Economy (ROAPE). Bush emphasizes the collection’s relevance in understanding the constraints and opportunities for radical African transformation in the 21st century, as well as the importance of PCT as a political endeavor. See More
Topics: Agriculture, Extractives, Regional Integration, Trade, Post-Colonialisms Today projectArab States
Topics: Social Policy, Trade, Post-Colonialisms Today projectAsia
Topics: Caste, Finance, Sexuality, Regional IntegrationCaribbean
Topics: Climate, Debt, Finance, TradeCross-Regional
Latin America
Topics: Education, FinancePacific
Topics: Climate, TradeSelect a region
This South-polar map projection highlights key areas of work that emerged from the priorities of our allies in each region, constituting 29 regional and cross-regional convenings since our founding in 2014.