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Gender and Trade Coalition Launches Explainer Series

23 April - 22 October, 2024

The Gender and Trade Coalition is launching a series of short, Q&A format ‘explainers’ unpacking key trade issues from a feminist perspective, produced by Regions Refocus. Each explainer is produced in collaboration with different members of the Coalition. Explainer topics include gender, migration, post-conflict recovery, and climate.

Explainer #1: Gender and Trade

April 23, 2024

How are gender and trade connected? Why is trade seen as a tool of gender equality? How has trade changed women’s role in the labor market? How does corporate capture of trade impact women? This explainer unpacks the ways that trade intersects with gender, ending with five strategic policy proposals that move towards gender-just trade.

Read the explainer here

Explainer #2: Post-Conflict Recovery and Trade

May 21, 2024

Does trade enhance post-conflict recovery? How do international financial institutions impede post-conflict government spending? How do trade and investment agreements exploit post-conflict economic opportunities? What is the role of the extractive sector in post-conflict trade and investment? This explainer highlights the complex ways trade influences post-conflict recovery, ending with five strategic policy proposals to harness trade as a tool that complements rather than counteracts post-conflict recovery of both economies and people.

Read the explainer here

Explainer #3: Migration and Trade

August 20, 2024

What does trade have to do with migration? How does trade create conditions that prompt migration? How do trade agreements influence migration policy, and vice versa? How is trade governance related to migrant labor exploitation? This explainer examines the structural connections between trade and migration, ending with five strategic policy proposals to promote rights-based, gender-responsive migration and trade governance.

Read the explainer here

Explainer #4: Climate and Trade

October 22, 2024

How is trade connected to climate change? What is the role of corporations in trade and climate governance? What trade-related environmental measures exist? How have trade and climate governance impacted food production? This explainer delves into the complex relationship between trade and climate, ending with five strategic policy proposals to take action on trade and climate injustice, and the gender inequality caused by this injustice.

Read the explainer here